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La Croix Pan walkthrough

La Croix Pan walkthrough


About this walkthrough

This is a complete walkthrough for La Croix Pan.

Using this walkthrough will get you through the game with the least amount of time and wandering around, but may spoil the game and fun of exploring.

Items which can be picked up as inventory items and items which can be constructed by combining or using other items are written with bold text for emphasis.



- Try to open the door.
- Try to kick the door.
- Kick the door again.
- Shoot the chain.
- Open the door.
- Go upstairs.
- Interact with hole on the wall.

- Climb the ladder.
- Try to open the hatch.
- Use Springfield on hatch.
- Climb the ladder.
- Open the hatch.
- Go through the opening.

- Close the hatch.
- Take a sandbag and move it on the hatch to secure the tower.
- Use Springfield on window at left (main street).
- Use zoom to check that the area is clear.
- Exit the sniper view.
- Wait until you hear a sound of a German tank, and then use Springfield on window at left.
- Now the shooter part begins. Watch how the enemy troops are advancing. They do not fire at you, unless you fire first and make yourself known. The best way to handle them is to wait until they are halfway down the street - if they are any closer, they can advance to throw grenades at the tower, if they are further, it is very hard to snipe them. There are altogether 10 enemy soldiers, so try to take them all out efficiently. Reload the rifle immediately after a shot, as you can't do anything with an unloaded rifle, except observe their positions. Note that the game seems to be structured so that the enemies advance only when you are in the shooting view, so it should be possible to exit the view and be in the point and click mode in the tower. Note that they keep firing even then, so staying near windows can be deadly.
- After shooting the last enemy soldier, you get a message that they are dealt with, and you can see friendly troops coming further down the street.

- Take the sandbag and move it on top of the other sandbag.
- Open the hatch.
- Go down through the opening.
- After the German soldier points his rifle at you, use Springfield on floor.
- When the German soldier kneels down to pick up your rifle, kick him.
- Immediately when he is down, pick up the rifle and shoot him.
- Go downstairs and exit through the door.
- Watch the cutscene.

The game is finished!The game is finished!





There are ways to die in La Croix Pan. Some players want to explore these. For this game, here is a list of deaths. Note, this list may not be complete.

 Get shot by the enemy troops.Get shot by the enemy troops. Get shot by the enemy troops.
 Allow an enemy soldier advance too close to the tower and get killed by a grenade thrown in the tower.Allow an enemy soldier advance too close to the tower and get killed by a grenade thrown in the tower. Allow an enemy soldier advance too close to the tower and get killed by a grenade thrown in the tower.
 Forget to secure the tower hatch and get shot by an enemy soldier who enters the tower.Forget to secure the tower hatch and get shot by an enemy soldier who enters the tower. Forget to secure the tower hatch and get shot by an enemy soldier who enters the tower.
 Get shot in the final face-to-face confrontation with an enemy soldier.Get shot in the final face-to-face confrontation with an enemy soldier. Get shot in the final face-to-face confrontation with an enemy soldier.