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The Shaft: Descent into Darkness walkthrough

The Shaft: Descent into Darkness walkthrough


About this walkthrough

This is a complete walkthrough for The Shaft: Descent into Darkness.

Using this walkthrough will get you through the game with the least amount of time and wandering around, but may spoil the game and fun of exploring.

Items which can be picked up as inventory items and items which can be constructed by combining or using other items are written with bold text for emphasis.



- Interact with the bent plate to get on it.
- Try to release the climbing harness.
- Search your backpack to get a water bottle, notebook, portable radio, voltage tester, insulation tape, and a sewing kit.
- Interact with the switchboard on the wall.
- Open the fusebox.
- Interact with the fusebox to get a spark plug, and wire cutters.
- Use the voltage tester on torn wiring.
- Use the wire cutters on torn wiring to get copper wire.

- Try to use the copper wire on the knife on the ground.
- Use the wire cutters on copper wire. You will also get pieces of wire.
- Use insulation tape on copper wire to get insulated wire.
- Use the wire cutters on insulated wire to get wire with hook.
- Use the wire with hook on the knife on the ground to get a combat knife.
- Use the combat knife on the rope.
- Interact with barrels to get down.

- Take the rusty bolt from the ground to get an industrial bolt.
- Interact with the concrete slab to get a chunk of concrete.
- Interact with the broken chair.
- Use the combat knife on the broken chair to get a chair leg, and torn fabric.
- Use the combat knife on the broken chair again to get foam padding.
- Use the combat knife on the glowing moss.

- Use torn fabric with torn gloves to get gloves with fabric.
- Use foam padding with gloves with fabric to get patched gloves.
- Use sewing kit on patched gloves and you will automatically wear them.
- Pick up glass shards from the ground to get a glass shard.
- Use the industrial bolt with the chair leg to get a chair leg with bolt.
- Use insulation tape with the chair leg with bolt to get a bolt taped to chair leg.

- Use the glass shard on mucus-covered knife to get sticky substance.
- Use the sticky substance on the bolt taped to chair leg to get a makeshift mallet.
- Put the spark plug on the concrete slab.
- Use the chunk of concrete to smash the spark plug on the concrete slab and get ceramic shards.
- Use ceramic shards on mucus-covered knife to get a sticky ceramic shard.
- Use the sticky ceramic shard on the makeshift mallet to get a mallet with ceramic tip.

- Use the mallet with ceramic tip on the cracked glass, which is the lower right corner of the glass.
- Enter the left door.
- Watch the cutscene and credits.

The game is finished!The game is finished!